Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just Because

I ...

love fuzzy socks
Hate getting out of bed in the morning
Feel exhausted no matter what
Hate finger prints on my mirrors...makes me cringe
Don't bathe my kids every night...oops
Like the way I feel after a good work out
Could care less about fake nails
Hate rough feet!!!
Would like to dye the ends of my hair pink...probably won't do it. But I like to think I could pull it off
Hate talking on the phone
Love games in big groups
Am a simple gal. Could care less about owning "Tiffany & Co" or any other fancy shmancy jewelry or overpriced purses
Love to cuddle my baby boy :) finally a cuddler in this house! He's so squishy!
Love my baby girl's singing. She's quite the song writer
Love laughing with my handsome husband
Am grateful for my life
Think HOA is stupid. ( and yes I've heard the opposing arguments and I still think it's ridiculous.
Love "twinkling lights" and keep white ones in my kitchen year round.
Think reading is way better than watching tv
Like music that has meaning or tells a story
Hate california
Like being in the middle of nowhere
Love to dream
Like to write in my journal
Love collecting pictures of my family to capture memories
Like to spray perfume in my hair.
Hate doing my hair. If I could be attractive and bald, it would be so tempting to shave it all off!
Have a sweet tooth (Smores are absolutely one of my favorite guilty pleasures!)
Won't wash dishes in a sink of water. Floating food is gross.


I absolutely love hearing the garage door open in the mornings. it means Shannon is finally home from work. :)

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